Weight Loss Wednesdays have arrived!
Actually, I have some nerve even talking about this…especially today.
I am at an all-time high for my 5’2″ frame. I confess that way too often in recent months I’ve been topping 150-ish pounds. Clothes too tight. Totally uncomfortable. “What do you mean I can’t eat desserts twice a day, get almost no exercise, and consume major fats like ice cream, pancakes, and go out to eat four times in less than 8 days, and lose weight?” Oh…so THAT’s the problem!
Well, today is the first day of the rest of our lives, people, and it’s time to get ORGANIZED and lose weight for good!
Yes, weight loss involves organization, just like anything else that we want to be good at. So, let’s start out with some questions and for the next few weeks we’ll share some answers, and success stories, for ENCOURAGEMENT.
Questions to Ask Ourselves:
Do I need to lose weight?
How much?
How long have I been fighting this battle–and am I tired of it yet?
Am I ready to get my mind set and do this?
Do I have a plan?
GREAT INSPIRATION: Here is a video clip of Joy Bauer, the Today Show diet expert, of her recent visit on CBN’s 700 Club where she gives some weight loss tips AND a wonderful testimony from a mother and daughter, Sherrie and Courtney, who have lost a ton of weight. Courtney, 60 pounds. Her mother, Sherrie, 156 pounds. Sherrie started out on Weight Watchers and then they added encouragement and direction from Joy Bauer’s book “Your Inner Skinny”….did you know we have an inner skinny us?
Apparently we do! I love it!
Add your comments, share your links. Let’s team up and encourage each other!
Here’s the VIDEO:
And, for the month of July 2011, do not forget to enter
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