By Sinea Pies
Don’t you just love finding new uses for things you already have around the house? I do.
Here’s my recent success story: I bought a Pet Rider cover for the back seat of my new Subaru Forester. When I visit my dad, I often take Lexi, my beautiful English Yellow Lab, with me and I wanted to protect the back seat.
The seat cover concept is great. It is priced right, installs well, covers every area you’d want to cover.
But, ugh, the SMELL! I couldn’t believe it. It has a plastic smell–a very strong odor. And I was actually starting to react to it. Tingling in my hands, my face, my lips. Headache. I couldn’t get back home fast enough so that I could get away from it. After a couple of days of airing it out, the scent was no better and I knew that it had to go. I took it back to the store for a refund.
What was your great discovery?
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