Although it may appear insignificant, choosing the right address plaque for your home is actually an important decision that will affect the way the exterior your home appears for many years. Your address plaque needs to be in keeping with the architectural style of your house, but it also should be bold enough that it can easily be noticed by any visitors or emergency services.
it- be sure to measure the space precisely as any mistake could mean your plaque stands out for all the wrong reasons! Shape is an important factor, you must decide whether a rounded or square design will fit with the scheme of your house, or even a custom shape.
This article was written on behalf of Design Your Address Plaque.
Photo Credits:
House Number by topperdomingo2012 on Flickr Creative Commons
Blue Flowery House Number by Kirstyhall on Flickr Creative Commons
Number Four by Lincolnian (Brian) on Flickr Creative Commons
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