Have you or a loved one ever needed to use a healthcare policy? Most of us would say “yes.” At the time, did you go in there fully understanding what everything meant? My hubby was recently hospitalized. I was glad we had coverage but I knew very little about what his policy did. Shame on me!
Now let’s get real, here. How many of us just LOVE reading healthcare plans? No one! Most of us get forced to learn what is or is not there only when we need it.
Can we agree that it is important for us to grasp the basics of healthcare? Sure we can. But so often we haven’t taken the time to learn about it ahead of time.
UnitedHealthcare wants to change that. They have created 3 brief interactive online learning games along with SWEEPSTAKES where you get a chance to win up to $500! Now, they are singing my tune!
I stopped by and played all three games. They are simple, easy and fun…and I learned a lot.
I learned about healthcare basics and took the quizzes, all in just a few minutes!
Play all 3 of UnitedHealthcare’s fun interactive educational games here⇒
- Look & Learn – watch a very short (less than 3 minutes) info video and answer a 1 question quiz -30 seconds into the video- to enter the sweepstakes.
- Health Basics 1-2-3 – answer 3 basic questions about your health plan to enter.
- Perfect Match – match 4 simple health care terms with their definitions to enter.
*You may enter each of the 3 giveaways once a day, every day from February 1 to February 28, 2017. There will be 4 weekly winners of $100 gift cards and a monthly grand prize winner of a $500 gift card. You can find all of the details on their website.
So, wouldn’t you say that this is a fun new way to learn about the “ins and outs” of healthcare? I agree! Remember to come back here every day so that you can play all three games again!
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