This F is for Frog kids craft is so special. The frog “leaps” for joy and so will you. Think about it. Can you imagine the glee when a little preschooler brings this project home to show everyone that his frog is hopping on its lily pad? You will love the excitement.
As craft projects go, this one takes some additional adult preparation. Typically, young children should experience cutting paper as often as possible. This craft, though, would be doomed to failure in the hands of a 3 year old with scissors. It is difficult to cut out. For that reason, I prepare the pieces in advance. I come to school with the small pieces pre-cut and sorted into individual plastic bags. Each child gets one. The extra preparation makes it fun, not frustrating, to do.
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Frog On A Lily Pad Kids Craft
Card stock (white or light blue)
Card stock (white)
Green copy paper for lily pads.
White school glue
Green crayons
Free Printable Templates (below)
Print an F is for Frog sheet, which will be the base, using either white or light blue card-stock.
Print lily pads on green paper and cut them out.
Print frog outlines, eye balls, bugs, dots, lily onto white card-stock.
Laminate the pages of parts (not the frog – the kids will color it.)*
Why laminate? Little hands and ink jet print don’t always go well together. The ink can run or smear. Before cutting them out, I laminate the small parts including the eyes, bugs and flower for the lily pad to preserve the images.
Cut out the parts ahead of time for the students, then have them assemble the craft for themselves.
Color the frog with green crayon.
Glue the green lily pad onto the middle of the F is for Frog sheet, using a gluestick.
Glue eyes onto the frog
Glue bugs and the lily flower onto the lily pad.
Put a couple of streaks of white school glue onto the pad and sprinkle glitter on them.
Glue the frog to the spring and the lily pad.
HOW TO MAKE THE FROG’S SPRING: cut a rectangular piece of cardstock 1 inch wide by 4 inches long. Fold it into quarters. Glue one end to the center of the lily pad, put glue on the other end of the spring and press the frog onto it. Now you have a hopping frog on its own lily pad.
Lady Bugs – Butterflies – Snails – Dots for the frog’s back
Lily Pad Cut Out – 2 to a page
Adorable hopping frog craft for preschoolers #preschool #crafts Share on X
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