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Himalayan Salt is touted as a super duper health aid that can be used in a number of ways. But did you see Dr. Oz demonstrating a Himalayan Salt inhaler? Check out this short clip here from his show:
A little while ago I switched to using pink Himalayan Salt in my salt shaker to season my food. In a salt shaker, the salt can clump over time so I found a way to fix that. I shared my tip in How To Keep Himalayan Pink Salt From Clumping In The Salt Shaker.
When I later became an affiliate of Himalayan Salt Shop I learned a lot more about it. I discovered that Himalayan salt can even clean the air we breathe. Wow! Who knew?
Have you heard that people travel far and wide to visit salt mines, or go to fancy spas with salt rooms, in a quest to improve their health? Vacations are fun but they come to an end. It seems like it would be so much better to bring the Himalayan salt right to your home. It is so much cheaper than travel and you can have all the health benefits on hand all the time.
Check out all of the Himalayan Salt Shop products:
Salt Inhaler – for breathing difficulties, allergies, asthma, and sore throat.
[Hear what Dr. Oz has to say about it in the video above.]
Information Center at the Himalayan Salt Shop
For a limited time get FREE shipping on orders over $99 [expires April 30th] use Checkout Code: FREESHIP
Dr. Oz talks about the Himalayan Salt Inhaler and #health on this 2 minute clip from his show #tips #ad Share on X
This is really interesting facts about salt.
Thanks for sharing with us at Merry Monday. Hope to see you at the party next week!