What is a Blog Hop?
What is a Blog Hop? A blog hop is a social event where bloggers are invited to share links to their posts, visit others’ posts and endorse them.
How do visitors endorse other people’s blog posts? They do it by clicking on the image of the post they are interested in, commenting on that post and sharing the link on their own social media pages. Personally, I get my greatest amount of blog traffic from Pinterest so whenever someone pins an image from one of my posts, it is a real blessing.
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Though a blog hop is a “party” of sorts, I prefer to think of it more like going to a fair. Each post is a “booth” where bloggers display their work. Some visitors will pass that booth by. Others will touch the stuff a little bit with a click or maybe a pin. Still others will stay for a while as a true admirer. True admirers follow the blogger’s blog by subscribing to their email list or following them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram.
National Brands Can Find Great Blogs To Write For Them By Visiting Blog Hops
Brands have come to recognize that the relationship we have established with our readers is of value to them. A national brand can connect more closely with potential customers by hiring bloggers to write a story that ties in with their advertising campaigns. Marketers who work for those brand name companies would be wise to stop by blog hops from time to time looking for good outlets for their stories. Maybe they do!
Blog Hops are a great place to develop a readership that is meaningful. Meaningful? They are the readers who love what you love and will come back again. They are also the people those brands out there want to connect with. Blog Hops are a marketplace for your future so don’t sell them short. They are worth it.

Blog Hops are not just for bloggers. Think of them as indexes of online magazines. Isn’t that what a blog really is? An online magazine! People who just love crafts, recipes, kids activities, fashion, couponing, money saving tips, deals, giveaways, pets, back-to-school, home decor, gift ideas, parenting advice, ANY type of advice, health & fitness …. well, the list goes on and on … can come to a blog hop and find TONS of creative ideas.
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I had a marketing manager contact me one day about placing advertising on my blog. She asked me “Can you give me a list of other bloggers who write like Ducks ‘n a Row? I would like to get in touch with them.” That was a tall order. I know quite a few. So, I told her the best place for her to go fishing for excellent mommy blogs was blog parties! She did not know what they were. I gave her the “Reader’s Digest version” and sent her on her way. That was all she really needed to know.
Blog hops – link parties – are a gold mine for marketers looking for top-notch writers and photographers!
Going to a blog hop is kind of like going to a fair or reading the quick index of a popular magazine! #bloggingtips Share on X
If you missed the first in this series … How To Increase Blog Traffic 3 Ways Using Blog Hops … “hop” on over right now! But, first, check out the list of blog hops I made for you at the end of this post.
How To Find Blog Hops
“So, where can I FIND blog hops?” You can search Google or Twitter. To me, their search engines will be the fastest sources. If you use Twitter, just put these hashtags in the search window: #bloghop #linkup #linkparty or #blogparty. Any of those should find some. Also, I have put together a short list of parties [below.] They are up to date and will give you at least one a day to get you started.
How can I find blog hops? There is a list right here to get you started! #bloghops #momblogger Share on X
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND SIGNING UP FOR THE EMAIL LIST OF THE HOSTING BLOGS! That way a reminder will come to you via email whenever a new blog party has started. The two that I host are here:
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