As most of you know, I teach preschool. In keeping with my traditional alphabet themed lessons, this year I thought it would be fun to use ice cream for the letter “I.” Well, my little kiddos had so much fun, it made me wonder why I had never taught it before.
For our craft, we painted a picture of an ice cream cone using puffy paint. Puffy paint is always a BIG hit. As expected, the kids LOVED it!
The idea came from from Crafty Morning’s puffy paint post. She always has great creative ideas for kids crafts. I pretty much did the same thing that she did except I gave my little preschoolers two colors of puffy paint – pink for strawberry ice cream and light green for mint. And instead of painting it on, we glued a pom pom on top for the “cherry.”
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How To Make An Ice Cream Cone Picture Using Puffy Paint
White School Glue [I used Elmer’s}
How to Make Puffy Paint
1 cup school glue for every 2 cups shaving cream.*
*Use the foamy white kind of shaving cream, NOT the gel kind.
Using a mixing bowl, spray lots of white foamy shaving cream into the bowl. Next add the white school glue (i.e. Elmer’s glue or a generic brand) and mix it through. Add dabs of tempera paint and mix with a spoon till you get the depth of color you like best. Use drops of red paint to make the pink ice cream and drops of green tempera paint to make a light green for mint ice cream.
How to Make an Ice Cream Cone Craft with Puffy Paint
- Print the words “I is for Ice Cream” on a piece of cardstock paper.
- Cut a triangle out of brown construction paper.
- Make criss-cross lines on the brown paper using a black marker to make it look like a waffle cone.
- Glue the cone paper onto the lower half of the page.
- Mix up two colors of puffy paint.
- Give your child two paint brushes and let them have fun painting scoops of ice cream above the cones.
- Optional: Sprinkle some glitter on the “cone” and glue a “cherry” pom pom on top.
TIP: A mistake that I made for this first time of doing this craft is that I made the cone a tiny bit too big. It forced the children to paint their ice cream cone higher on the page and it partially covered the words “I is for Ice Cream Cone.” Next time I will place the title “I is for Ice Cream Cone” at the bottom of the page and may just cut the brown paper for the waffle cone a tiny bit smaller, too.
How about you? Have you ever made a puffy paint craft?
Make a really cute ice cream cone craft with your kids using homemade puffy paint! It is so much fun! #kidscrafts #preschool #kindergarten #painting Share on X
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Glitter for arts, crafts and makeup, too! Teens LOVE it! #ad
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