How to cut a round cake so that it stays moist for days!
It has been commonly accepted that the proper way to slice a round cake is the “triangular piece” or “pie” method. We cut triangles all the way around till it’s gone. But if your cake will not be consumed at one sitting, is there a better way to do it, keeping it moist through and through? Somebody thought so.
This fun video shows you a method developed in 1906. Yes, over a hundred years ago. Will it work on every round cake? I’m not sure. Softer frostings may not be willing to get “banded” together (you’ll see) but it sure could work on many types of round cake!
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How to cake a round cake the “right” way with video – plus 7 great cake recipes!
How to cut a round cake the RIGHT way! #tips #cakes #desserts Share on X
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