Keeping your home, your belongings and the people inside safe from burglars does not require extreme measures. You do not have to dig a moat or set traps. Some of the simplest efforts can give you the protection you need.
Alarm Systems
Rethink Landscaping
Those lovely ornamental shrubs under your windows may make your home look more attractive, but they are great hiding places for burglars seeking to enter your home through a window undetected. Choose shrubbery that does not grow very high, keep them trimmed well below the window sill, or plant shrubs in between windows. You should also keep tree limbs cut away from upstairs access points.
Windows, Patio Doors, & Locks
Install locks on windows. To avoid unlocking by cutting through the glass, choose locks that must be depressed on the sides before the window can be raised. For patio doors, place a metal pipe or bar in the bottom track to prevent the door from being opened. You should have deadbolts installed as well. If there are large pieces of glass in the door, choose dead bolts that require a key to unlock from both sides. Also, do not leave spare keys under potted plants, door mats, landscaping rocks, or any other visible hiding places. Do not leave any keys in your mailbox, or put your entire name on the mailbox either.
Look Occupied
Many people leave a light or two on in their home at night when they are away. This is a good idea but it is important to do this properly. Lights should be on timers. It can also be helpful to have a television on a timer as well. Additionally, your entrance should be lighted and keep your blinds or curtains closed. Do not leave windows open, even just a crack, when you are not home.
If you will be gone for an extended period, you can request a hold on your mail and newspaper deliveries so that it does not pile up. Better yet, have a trusted friend pick it up for you so there is no hint that you are not at home!