Tired of being cold? Indoors way too long? You may have “cabin fever.” Cabin Fever= irritability and listlessness caused from being confined way too long. If this sounds like you, beat the wintertime blues by bringing a little summer into your lives while you’re waiting it out.
1. Float a Boat
Children love to play in water. Get out some floatable toys – boats, rubber duckys, clean-empty plastic bottles, balls – and let them play in the water! Set up a big dish pan, fill the sink or bathtub or even set up a wading pool in the basement. Let them splash and have fun.*
*Water safety!. You are the lifeguard. Do not leave your child unattended. Do not even turn you back on your precious little ones in the bathtub, sink or pool EVER. Another toddler safety reminder: toilets are attractive. Keep the lid and the bathroom door closed.
2. Go Camping – camp out indoors. Set up a pup tent or build tents using chairs, tables and blankets right in the living room. Make a pretend campfire or, if you have a fireplace, a real one. Roast marshmallows over that fire or make smores in the microwave. Pop popcorn, too. Create the image of camping under the stars with a projector. Many children now have stuffed animal night-lightsthat are perfect for creating the effect.
3. Playground – some restaurants, like McDonalds, have indoor playgrounds where your little ones can play. If there isn’t one nearby, get creative and make one right in your home. Little slides and sandboxes made from kiddie pools go a long way in the “fun department.”
4. Go Swimming – take a daytrip to an indoor water park or head on over to the YMCA. Some communities have public swim times available at local high schools. Check around.
5. Take a Walk – go someplace different. Walk at the mall or local museum. If you have a mall where there is a carousel ride, what an extra treat! Add an ice cream cone to sum up the excursion and you have had a super fun time out.
6. Carnival – set up a carnival day play date with some other families. Everyone contributes one game to the event and meets at a central location. Your house? Game ideas: ball crawl (balls in a wading pool), fishing for toys, ring toss, crawling tunnel, plastic slide, indoor sandbox, craft table.
7. Have A Picnic Indoors – pack up a lunch in a picnic basket (or put it on trays) and lay out a blanket on the floor somewhere that is not the kitchen: living room, child’s bedroom, family room–different! Make simple sandwiches cut into fun shapes, snacks and juice boxes. Voilá! “A pic-ka-nic , Boo Boo” (as Yogi Bear would say)
Other Not-So-Summery But Fun Activities:
8. Write in Shaving Cream – yes! Foam piles of shaving cream onto a cookie sheet and let your little guys write, draw and make shapes in the squishy mess!
9. Play Dough is always a winner! Especially if you haven’t done it for a while, play dough (or Play Doh) will keep your little ones busy for hours. Get out rolling pins, cookie cutters, plastic safety-scissors and other tools for them to use.
10. Board Games – set aside time to play games with your kids. Housework will always be there. Give them undivided time playing games, coloring or whatever activity appeals to you all at the time.
So what do you do to beat “cabin fever?”
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Photo credits:
- Sneak Peek by ArminH on Stock Xchng
- Ball Crawl DNAMichaud on Flickr CC
- Tot in Tunnel by janetmck on Flickr CC
- Lego Steamboat by Elsie esq. on Flickr CC
- Swimming Indoors from Pixabay
- Boy Playing With Play Dough by Chris Parfitt on Flickr CC