Keeping your place of work clean and tidy is good, this is a fairly basic fact of your life. However there are more consequences to not keeping the office clean and there is a level of importance to keeping that space germ free. After all most offices are on a closed air conditioning system, which effectively just regurgitates any air or germs throughout the office.
A clean office is a happy office and a happy office is a productive office. Keeping the office space clean and germ free will convince the employees that you really do care about their well-being. These little touches really do go a
long way and they should keep employees cheerful and appreciated. A few little touches will really fix all kind of morale issues.
Sick Days
Mold or bacteria strewn throughout the work-space will run throughout the entire space and this will inevitably end in someone getting sick, which will end in time off, holiday pay and a complete lack of productivity for payment. This is not something you can use. For the cost of following a few tips from or hiring a professional cleaning service you can easily increase functionality.
Streamlined workplaces equal productivity it is quite simple. The ability to work coherently and with everyone knowing what they’re going to do and how they do it. With an absence of mess and germs in the workplace everyone will simply know their job and be able to do it without interference. A lack of cleanliness will lead to a lack of organization. If you’ve ever tired to get anything done without knowing what is where you will know what a problem that is.
The Queensland health and safety standards are highly prohibitive and have a great many serious penalties. You want to make absolutely certain that you manage to adhere to the health and safety standards. Even without considering professional standards the safety of employees is of absolute importance. Making your employees sick is not something anyone wants on their conscience. That is not even considering the legal implications of employees who become sick ten or fifteen years down the line.
Habit Forming
It’s important to set a good example for employees, as well as for the future. Cleanliness of an office is nothing compared to the ability to form habits and set a standard of cleanliness for the future. After all you only need to form the habit once and it will be followed for years to come. Good sense is habit forming and it will help you out.
Keeping the office clean is the best way to keep employees happy and healthy without them even knowing you’re doing it. It won’t be commented upon and it likely won’t even be consciously observed, but they will notice it and they will appreciate it. Once the habit forms and an understanding is reached a standard is assured for the future.
Mick Cutcliffe is a small business owner, father of 5, a writer and loves to share business tips.
Photo credits:
Office Building by Leonid Memchenkov Flickr Creative Commons
Smiling Business Manager Freedigital Photos
Clean conference room by jyri on Flickr Creative Commons
Pens and Notebook by artur84 on Freedigital Photos