Saturdays can be complicated, especially if you have a lot going on during the week. You really could use the whole day off but, often, Saturday is the only day you have to catch up on everything that couldn’t be done during the work week. Doesn’t that sound funny? “Work week!” So what do you call what you will be doing on Saturdays. I would call it “work,” wouldn’t you? LOL
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For many of us, Saturdays is the day we try to catch up on everything up until the next Saturday rolls around. If you make your goal to declutter a bit as you go along, there will be less and less to catch up on, someday.
So, how do you conquer Saturdays and make them your own? After breakfast, shine your sink, throw in a load of laundry and make your list. (If you are really on top of things, your list was written last night but don’t feel guilty if it was not!)
–Prioritize your list, just in case it there are too many things to get done in just one day.
–Do the most important things first.
–Take 10 minutes to declutter something! Decluttering is not just rearranging your stuff, it is getting rid of stuff. Less stuff = Less work to do on Saturdays!
Factor in some relaxation and family time.
Let it be your goal to whittle away at those Saturday chores so that, someday, everything is caught up. Think about what it will be like when you are no longer behind and weekend chores are few.