Our Wonderful Wednesday spotlight is on the very first website to which I became a subscriber: Grocery Shrink, founded by Angela Coffman. And I have a guest post on her site this week!
photo by kongsky at freedigitalphotos.com |
A little background about Angela Coffman: Angela is fondly known as the “Grocery Shrink” and her ability to train others on how to trim back their spending comes from personal experience. She and her husband, Darren, were plagued by their financial condition. $89,000 in debt, they longed to be debt-free. So they got very, very serious about.
Trimming their grocery spending alone to a mere $185.00 per month (at that time a they were a family of 5) and cutting back in a multitude of other areas, they were able to steadily pay off their bills to finally achieve debt-free status within 6 months. In fact, they did more than that. They built an emergency fund and had $40,000 left over to put toward buying a house.Wow!
GroceryShrink.com |
Angela’s fame has opened the door for two recent guest appearances on the 700 Club. Here are the links to those segments: clip #1 and clip #2. When you watch the second clip, you’ll learn how she creates her own, safe cleaning products for a fraction of the cost of their commercial counterparts.
For Angela’s Homemade Cleaning Products recipes, mentioned on one of the clips, along with their complete debt-conquering success story, go to her homepage (after you read my guestpost, of course 🙂 and sign up for her newsletter at Grocery Shrink.
Now, before you go…be sure to view my TWO guest posts on Grocery Shrink (links below) and my latest post on HubPages honoring our World War II veterans. I’m particularly proud of that one because it includes my son’s award winning video.
Guest Posts on Grocery Shrink:
Getting Ready for Christmas
How to Organize Your Kitchen Drawer in 10 Minutes or Less
Recent Posts:
How to Speed Clean a Room
Quick Breakfast Ideas
World War II Veterans
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Have a Wonderful Wednesday,
…Sinea from Ducks ‘n a Row