The news was a buzz about hell this week. Interesting that the question should come up just as much of the world was preparing to celebrate Easter. Bunnies and colored eggs aside, Easter has always been about heaven and hell. The end of the story being, Jesus is alive and because of Jesus, we win!
So what was in the news? It was reported that the Pope had said that there is no hell and that those who died in sin would simply disappear. Sorry but that opinion simply is not true. Jesus taught that there is both a heaven and a hell and that is the end of the story.
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The question about where we go when we die has probably been here since the fall of man (and woman, for those who like to split hairs over an issue.) All humans fell at the fall of man. From there on out, we were all born in sin and destined for hell. {see Romans 3:23)
Whether the Pope actually said it or not, that belief is not new. The Jewish leaders of old were split on their opinion of where we go when we die. The Pharisees held to the heaven and hell scenario. The Sadducees* believed that when a person died, that was it. Nothing. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. You have now been erased.
*There was a little evangelical joke that used to be told to help Bible students remember which sect believed which doctrine. They said that the Sadducees’ belief was why they were “sad, you see.” That would be sad, wouldn’t it? But something inside of all of us says that we can’t be that insignificant. Our hearts cry out, “there must be something more.” And there is.
There would have been no good reason for Jesus to come and die that horrendous, beyond-painful death on the cross if our final outcome was, at worst, to simply no longer exist. Of course, the Lord loves us and wants us to live with Him in heaven but the price that Jesus paid was so huge, there had to be a bigger reason.
That reason was to pay for our sins so we would not have to do it ourselves. The price that a person pays when they die in sin is that they go to hell forever. No bargaining our way out and no do-overs. The fact is that no one (except for Jesus Himself) can ever be “good” enough to pay for our sins and get us out of the penalty of hell.
But God loved us all so much that He sent His perfect Son, Jesus, to die on our behalf for our sins. That way, if we choose to believe in Him, we will be forgiven and will live with Him forever in heaven. (see John 3:16)
So hell is real? Jesus is the only authority on this topic.
Jesus said:
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (see Matthew 10:28). Sounds like there is a hell to me.
And further on in Matthew, hell is described by the Lord as a place of “outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (see Matthew 25:30).
Now, I am no theologian. I am just a Christian mom and a blogger. Billy Graham, on the other hand, was a Bible expert and his explanation, “Hell Is Real But God Doesn’t Want You To Have To Go There” says it so much better than I. For those who prefer video, here is a 4 minute clip of Billy Graham explaining it in simple terms.
So, thank God for Jesus. Thank God that Jesus died and then rose from the dead. He is risen and we don’t have to go to hell. We can live with Him in heaven someday.
Four simple steps to finding Peace With God [Billy Graham ministries]
Easter is all about heaven and hell! #faith #Christianity #HappyEaster Share on X
Happy Easter!