Do you love ice cream cones as much as I do? They are my favorite summertime treat. I have to say I am not very imaginative when it comes to flavor selections, though. I usually get plain vanilla. Occasionally I add a little excitement and go with chocolate. Are you impressed? LOL!
Fun with ice cream does not necessarily lie in the flavor. You can get adventurous with the CONE, instead. Kids love sprinkles! They love them a lot. Many adults do, too. They are kind of like balloons for food! All the pretty colors light up our lives.
So, we were getting ready to make some ice cream cones and I wanted to decorate their tops with a ring of sprinkles. But how? Sprinkles need something to stick to. The perfect condiment for that job is melting chocolate. It is delicious, designed to go from melted to solid quickly, and perfect edible “glue” for sprinkles to stick to. Take a look ⇓ …pretty!
So, here’s how you do it⇒
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How To Decorate Ice Cream Cones With Sprinkles
2 bowls (one microwavable)
Place the empty cones in an ice cream cone holder or a cupcake pan with liners.*
Bowl #1: Add many sprinkles to this bowl.
Bowl #1: Add many sprinkles to this bowl.
Bowl # 2 (microwavable bowl): put a handful of melting chocolate wafers into the microwavable bowl.
Microwave the wafers according to package directions till melted.
One at a time, take a cone from the holder, dip it in the chocolate and then dip it in the sprinkles turning it a little bit so that sprinkles cling all around the edge.
Place that cone back into the holder to cool.
Move on to the next cone till done.
Move on to the next cone till done.
Finally, scoop ice cream into each decorated cone, hand them out to your guests and enjoy!
*Tip: though the silicone liners are pretty, they are a little bit wobbly to use for an ice cream cone holder. The next time I do this, I will use a real ice cream cone holder. These pretty silcone liners are great for baking muffins or cupcakes or even for storage.