The Letter O is for Owl is one of the easiest crafts I have had my preschoolers make. I wanted to make sure that they could be successful at doing it so, instead of using this craft for a lesson in paper cutting, I pre-cut the wings and other pieces myself: wings, feathers, eyes and beaks.
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Don’t worry, this lesson is educational. There is PLENTY of learning for them to do, as you can see. Each child looked at the sample owl that I made and modeled theirs accordingly. They had to identify what was a wing or a feather. Those shapes are very similar. They used their creativity in selecting colors and placement of pieces.
And, take a look — everybody’s craft looks like an OWL! Yipee!

Toilet paper roll owls made by preschoolers – ages 3 & 4.
In addition to the craft, we gave our students an owl matching game to do.

How To Make A Letter O is for Owl Toilet Paper Roll Craft
Craft Supplies
Glue sticks and/ or Elmer’s Glue
Free printable templates for beaks, wings, feathers and eyes linked below.
Pinch two sides of one end of the cardboard toilet paper roll to make “owl ears.”
Print owl eyes on white card or cover stock.
Print beaks page on yellow or orange copy paper
Print wings and feathers page on a variety of colors of copy paper.*
*An alternative to that would be to print on white copy paper and have the child color the parts in with crayons or markers.
Cut the eyes, wings, feathers and beaks out.
Glue all the pieces on the toilet paper roll.
Tip: use Elmer’s glue to attach the wings. Glue stick works fine for the other pieces and takes less drying. Your child will have to press the glued pieces with her hand for a minute to make sure that it sticks.
Free Printable Templates for O is for Owl Preschool Craft

This little girl is just 3 1/2 years old and look at her owl! Wow!

Owls made by kids!
One thing that I did not do was to show them a video. I love to find short videos to enrich the lesson. There are some great owl videos but they were all too violent for tender young 3 and 4 year olds. Owls are great hunters and amazing to watch — every film showed it — but my little ones would have nightmares seeing sweet little bunnies and mice carried away to be an owl banquet!
Classic Children’s Book
Classic children’s book: The Owl & the Pussycat Ad