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Here are some household hints to help you get longer life out of your pumpkins…
– Spray with lemon juice.
After you’ve carved your pumpkin, spray inside and out. Repeat every couple of days to increase longevity.
– Treat with a bleach solution.
Combine 1 T bleach with 1 quart of water. Pour into a squirt bottle. Wipe the pumpkin clean and then spray with the solution. Allow to dry.
– Refrigerate them.
Bring your pumpkins in at night and keep in a cool place. A cold garage is a perfect location or, if they are small enough, even in the refrigerator.
– Carve from the back, not the top.
Typically, people cut the top off their pumpkin to make a lid. Try cutting a hole in the back, instead. The top is strongest part of the pumpkin and will keep it in shape longer if it is not dislodged.