It has been a really long time since we have had a recipe sharing party so this is the day! For one day only, we will be sharing recipes and PINNING and/or Yumming them.
The rules are very simple and the SUCCESS of this party requires TOTAL participation. Since this is a one-time only party, I think we can do it, don’t you?
- Share up to 2 of your favorite RECIPE posts.
- No roundups … just one single recipe in the post.
- Pin and/ or yum* every other recipe.
- Promise that you will get that done by a week from the party. (Party is open all day Monday Sept 17. Get all the pins – and/or yums – done by Monday Sept. 24th.)
- Tweet our party???? Thanks!
Come to our Recipe Sharing Party where every recipe gets pinned and/or yummed by every guest! This party is Monday Sept. 17 ONLY so do not delay! #recipes #bloggers #food Share on X
It is that simple! Note: entries will show up in reverse order. That way everyone gets to be seen at the top at some time or other.
*What is “yumming?” Yummly is a recipe index website that can bring lots of traffic to recipe posts. In my personal opinion, it is second only to Pinterest for traffic when it comes to recipes. Yummly will only take SINGLE recipes. That is why we are asking that there be no roundups so that yumming will be faster and simpler.
For more information about Yummly=> Yummly, A Food Blogger’s Dream Come True
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