After squeezing a lemon, what do most of us do? Throw the peel away! We don’t really think about all the great ways we can put it to use.
Polishing Chrome and SteelWant to clean metal? Use sea salt and citrus peels to scrub it and make it shine again.
Homemade Air FreshenerThere is an easy way to freshen up your home using citrus peels. All you have to do is simmer them together with some herbs of your choice. Orange peels and cinnamon make a great combination. This is a simple and very effective way to add a warm and lovely aromatic touch to your home.
Clean a Tea KettleTo clean chlorine deposits from your tea kettle, you should fill it with water and add lemon peels. Then boil it and when you turn it off, let it stay like that for an hour. Then dry it.
Clean a Coffee PotIf you want to clean your coffee pot, you could put lemon peels with ice and salt in it. Shake it for a minute and then empty and dry.
Disinfect a Cutting Board Lemon’s acidity is a great antibacterial remedy. Wash your cutting board, then scrub it with lemon peels, let it stay for a minute, then wash and dry it. And there you have a super clean bacteria-free board.
Next time before you throw away a citrus peel, remember how well you can use it to clean. It’s a natural product which is easy to get, easy to use and very effective.
Author Bio: July loves to write about cleaning and home improvement. She works as a coordinator at Shiny London and she has much knowledge to share with her readers.
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- Lemon, Lime and Orange by robinlou8 Flickr Creative Commons
- Citrus Peels by hanspetermeyer.ca Flickr Creative Commons
- Tea Pot from Stock Xchng