I love great tips. When I learn something new that I’m going to use, I share it with you. Like the blueberry muffin tip last week. I was so excited when I learned that one. Well, this one is awesomely easy.
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Ever cracked an egg into a skillet only to have the yoke immediately break? Even worse, open an egg and “phew” the scent tells you to get rid of that bad egg as FAST as you can! So, besides staying right on top of the expiration dates on the carton, how do you tell if that lovely egg is still good?
How Do I Tell If An Egg Is Bad?
Fill a bowl with water.
Lay the egg gently into it.
If the egg sinks … it is GOOD.
If it floats … say “bye bye” to that BAD egg.
File this tip in “Simply Brilliant.”