By Sinea Pies
If someone were to ask you “are you healthy” what would you say? “Yes” “No” “Not Sure” How about this question: Do you FEEL healthy? If you don’t, why? What’s going on? There can be a multitude of reasons why we are feeling less than healthy–pain, stress, worry, age, poor diet, not enough exercise, sleeplessness, illness, and on and on—but the universal truth is that we all want to feel healthy, all the time. Right? But how?
I first became interested in nutrition when I was much younger. I had just had a baby. I was tired and overweight. A new program had just come on the market that promised quick weight loss with highest nutrition. It was a totally new concept. And it did work. I lost weight and felt great. You can’t feel that good all the time and not be healthier. I was sold on nutrition from that point on.
VIDEO: ID Life Founder Dr.Paul Sullivan
Being asked to write this {sponsored} post has been a privilege. ID Life’s message to give you “the best health you’ve ever experienced” is dear to my heart. The company name stands for Individually Designed Life. One of the many things that makes them different from other vitamin companies is that they tailor a supplement program specifically for you. I love that!
Yes, we all need certain nutrients every day for optimal health but we are not all the same. Our individual level of health may depend on many factors such as the region where we live, our age, our family health history, level of stress, level of exercise, presence of a disease or condition, medications and on and on. ID Life customizes a program that will supply what your body needs, based on these factors.
How? That’s up to you. Go to their website and answer a simple, confidential assessment survey. Your answers will give them an idea of what your nutritional needs might be. Based on those answers, they recommend a plan to help you to achieve optimal health.
The assessment is totally free – no strings attached. You can do it for fun and learn from their recommendations or you can go on to purchase the supplement package recommended for you. Your choice.
Privacy? Know that all of your health assessment answers are totally confidential and HIPAA compliant.
Another Big Plus: these pharmaceutical-grade supplements come pre-packaged for your convenience. Morning and evening packets. No more lining your cupboards full of bottles. They’ve taken all the work out of it. Quick n easy!
Why not give it a try and take the free assessment? I did and have learned much about the nutrition I really need. Find out what they have to say for you!
Click Here: ID Life*
*Chrome or Firefox browsers recommended. This website will not work with Internet Explorer.
Photo Credit:
Woman Smiling by Ambro on Freedigital Photos