Why would a mom want to be a millionaire? To live in a mansion? Drive a fancy car? Wear real jewels and take luxurious vacations? Probably not.
Moms are too smart for that. Wealth comes with its own set of troubles, we know that. But I think I can speak for most mothers who do want to be millionaires that their reasons are different. They have a job to do.
Some reasons why moms may want to become millionaires:
To Buy Stuff: it doesn’t seem right for a parent to not be able to buy her child a new pair of sneakers when he’s outgrowing his only pair (been there!) Handouts are appreciated but she wants to do it herself one day, stress-free. Being a millionaire would enable her to shop for herself and her family whenever she wanted to. What fun that would be!
Provisions: she’s tired of bouncing checks…trying to make ends meet…only to get charged a bank fee that she cannot afford to pay. She wants to enjoygrocery shopping instead of sweating out whether she really has enough to pay for it. So, as she dreams of financial freedom, she scratches items off her grocery list to make it work. Grocery shopping without calculating the bill in her head? Priceless!
Homemaking: how many recipes has she seen and would love to make, but she can’t afford the ingredients. So she pins them, waiting for a better day. Decorating? In her dreams. But dreams can come true. All it takes is money.
Holidays: she decorates and pulls together what she can to make the holidays special. She makes gifts to stretch the budget. “Millionaire-mom” can enjoy buying whatever gifts and decorations she wants. She can even get the BEST crafting gear to make her lovely homemade gifts. DIY because she wants to, not because she has to.
Care: whether it is her immediate family, aging parents or someone she’s heard of, there are people in need. She wants to help. Being a millionaire could do that.
The Future: moms plan ahead. How will her children pay for college? What about a retirement? Who will finance that? Being a millionaire would give her family something to work with – lots to work with!
Dreams: not every dream requires money but many of them do. Launching a business venture. Bankrolling someone else’s dream. Trying something new. Millionaires seem to have more options. I’ve never been one…but I wouldn’t mind trying it out! LOL
What would YOU do if you were a millionaire?
A TRIBUTE: There are so many amazing women out there who have pulled rabbits out of hats, built victory out of defeat and learned how to get more mileage out of a dime than anyone ever thought was possible.
You are all braver than brave, deserving of honors I am unable to give. From my heart ♥ I applaud you and, if I could make you a millionaire, I would!
Miracles do happen and my prayer for you is – whether it’s millions of dollars or some other wonderful thing – that God will surprise you with God-surprises that will overwhelm you with how much you are loved! ♥
You are all braver than brave, deserving of honors I am unable to give. From my heart ♥ I applaud you and, if I could make you a millionaire, I would!
Miracles do happen and my prayer for you is – whether it’s millions of dollars or some other wonderful thing – that God will surprise you with God-surprises that will overwhelm you with how much you are loved! ♥
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