In small spaces, such as small balconies or apartments, gardeners are often frustrated by the lack of space available — and the limited ideas for making the most of the space without it looking overly packed and crowded with plants. You want the space to look natural, but still have enough different varieties and colours of the plants you love. It can also be a challenge to get your different plants and planters off the floor.
It takes up much more space to have them all lined out on the floor in a jumbled maze. Also, being on the floor makes it hard to water and access the plants to give them the care they need as well. Other plants can also block the much needed sunlight that some of your plants need to grow and flourish. The solution is to use a 24”conical plant support for your pots and planters.
This is an easy solution that does not take up a lot of space on your already space challenged terrace or balcony. Traditional planters that are square, are lovely to look at but can also be cumbersome and use up valuable space. The obvious solution is to go up. Depending on the size and type of flowers, you can place several small pots on the conical planters and allow them to cascade over the sides of the pots.
Trellises can be combined to give your space a burst of springtime colours as you can combine your favourite flowers in your favourite colours for triple the effect. Any trailing flower or vine that does not grow too quickly or aggressively can be used on a trellis.
You also have the option of planting small shrubbery in the pots and also stacking them in the individual rings of your plant support. You can plant three of a kind or mix it up with different and interesting foliage or blooms. Each layer will be contained in its own section and appears neat and organised but still beautiful on any patio, terrace, or balcony. The idea is to layer several pots in one upright stand without interfering or impeding the other plants.
There are many different options available to you when using conical supports. You can bury the base of the plant support in a large pot for flowers such as lilies. It will be just as effective and beautiful. You can think outside of the box and use it as a support structure for your smaller pots or planters that are similar in diameter to the rings on the support stand. Simply check to make sure the pots fit snugly and will not fall through the rings.
The conical plant support was meant to be buried so ensure that you give it adequate support and it is stable and sturdy however you decide to utilise it in your space. Your imagination is your only limit.
If you are interested in buying the 24”conical plant support, visit the Mega Garden Store.
Here is how to grow your own fruit.
Lee Elwell works for Mega Garden Store. He is known for his knowledge in the field of gardening equipment. You can add him on Google Plus. Please add him to your circles.
Photo credit:
Pansies from Pixabay
Basil! by Matt Boulton Flickr Creative Commons